BTA Finance Luxembourg S.A. Announces Results of EGM
OREANDA-NEWS. May 14, 2010. JSC BTA Bank (the “Bank”) is very pleased to announce the results of the extraordinary general meeting (the “Meeting”) of the shareholders of BTA Finance Luxembourg S.A. (the “Issuer”):
During the Meeting, the First Resolutions as set out in the convening notice sent to shareholders by registered letters dated 12 April 2010 (the “Original Notice”) was adopted by simple majority thereby, inter alia, approving the Bank’s Restructuring Plan and authorising the Issuer to vote in favour of the restructuring at the proposed creditors’ meeting expected to be held on 28 May 2010. The votes for the First Resolutions represented 98.9 per cent. of the votes cast.
The Meeting was inquorate in relation to the Second Resolutions contained in the Original Notice proposing certain changes to the articles of association of the Issuer as set out therein, and therefore the Meeting was adjourned to 24 May 2010.
At the adjourned Meeting, the shareholders of the Issuer (including the holders of the Securities) are eligible to vote on the First Resolutions (which are reproposed) by simple majority and on the Second Resolutions with a two-thirds majority required for an amendment to the articles of association of the Issuer, in both cases without a quorum requirement. The terms of the First Resolutions and Second Resolutions are as set out in the Original Notice.
The adjourned Meeting will be held at 12.00 noon (Central European Time) on 24 May 2010 at the offices of the Issuer at 46A, avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.