“Transtech 2010” Included into List of World Maritime Exhibitions
OREANDA-NEWS. May 13, 2010. The International Association of ports and Harbors IAPH, which gathers around 230 ports from 90 countries, has included "TRANSTECH 2010" exhibition (the International exhibition "Russian Port Transport and Shipping Operations) into the list of the world exhibitions and conferences, focused on maritime and port issues and organized in assistance with IAPH.
Thus, "TRANSTECH" and "Neva 2011" have become the first Russian Maritime exhibitions and conferences, ever include into the Global Maritime exhibitions list, supported by IAPH. This international association gathers national port associations, largest shipping companies and ports, which jointly control over 60 % of all world freight turnover and 90 % of all container traffic.
The organizers of "TRANSTECH" exhibition and "The Future of Russian Ports" conference are the only exhibition operators, who are the members of the Association of the Commercial Sea Ports (