Uzbekistan Prolongs Deadline of Few Tenders
OREANDA-NEWS. May 11, 2010. State commision for conducting tenders on the sale of the state property to the foreign investors based on the Resolution of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №PP-672 dated July 20, 2007 hereby notifies on the prolongation of the deadline for receiving tender Bids for earlier announced tenders.
The Bid submission deadline expires at 12 a.m. Tashkent time on May 31, 2010.
UE "Fergana chemical factory of furan compounds" is located in Fergana city of Fergana region Enterprise was put into operation in 1946. Enterprise produces cotton cellulose, furitol-107, furfural alcohol, ethyl technical, furfural-1st sort, bore reagent FXL-1 and cotton wool.
Hotel "Dedeman Silk Road Tashkent" is located in the center of Tashkent on the crossroad of streets Amir Temur and Navoiy. The hotel "Dedeman Silk Roаd Tashkent" is awarded 4-stars category. The hotel has 206 comfortable rooms, restaurant, cafe, bar, night club, also there are all conveniences to conduct conferences and meetings. In the territory of the hotel functions a recreation club in the hotel “Life Style”.
Hotel "Grand Mir" is located in the center of Tashkent city on the crossroad of streets U.Nosir and Kunaev. The hotel "Grand Mir" is awarded 5-stars category. The hotel has 126 comfortable rooms, 2 restaurants, cafe, bar, recreation club, halls for organizing conferences and meetings with capacity for 250 persons.
LLC "ISSIQLIKQUVVATTA’MIR" is located in Yakkasaray district, Tashkent city and was established in 1997. Main types of activity of the enterprise are building and assembly works, capital repairs and construction of intrablocks and trunk heating systems, general construction works at communal service objects.
"Rоhаt" Children Health-improving сamp is located in Alat district of Bukhara region. The camp was put into operation in 1974, belongs to Agriculture and Water Resources department of Alat district. The camp is designed for reception and services of 160-190 persons in a year. Total territory – 9 078 square meters, including area under buildings and constructions – 895 m2. In the territory of the camp there are 11 buildings and constructions.
Investors interested in participating in the tender shall first submit a properly completed and signed Application for participation and Confidentiality Statement.
The Tender Documentation package including Information Memorandum, Tender Rules, Bid Form can be obtained upon payment made for it, by presenting to State Property Committee the completed and signed Application and Confidentiality Statement together with a copy of the document confirming the payment effected.
Payment for tender documents is to be transferred to one of the accounts of State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan indicated below:
Foreign currency account number: № 20203840500600289001 or
Current account number: № 20203000600600289001
in the JSC Innovational-commercial Bank "Ipak-Yoli", TIN: 201122696, bank code 00444,
12-A, Farhadskaya str., 100135, Tashkent. S.W.I.F.T. code: INIPUZ22
Opening of the packages with Tender Bids will be held in the Meeting Hall of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (5th floor) at 4 p.m. Tashkent time on May 31, 2010
Tender participants or their authorized representatives, which have submitted Tender Bids in accordance with established procedure, have the right to participate at the opening of the packages with Tender Bids.
For all issues related to the tender, please contact:
Main department of State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 8th Floor, Uzbekistan Ave., 55,
100003 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Attention: Mr. Toshpulatov Eler, telephone: +998 (71) 259-22-55
Attention: Mr. Mamatov Odiljon, telephone: +998 (71) 259-21-90
Fax: +998 (71) 259-20-72