Price of Azeri Oil Increased by USD 0,25 Brent Grade
OREANDA-NEWS. May 07, 2010. The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) reported that this April the price per barrel of BTC FOB Ceyhan oil exceeded price per barrel of Brent oil by USD0.25 against USD 0.71 in Mach, USD 0.92 by end of 2009 and USD 1.01 by late 2008. The record difference (USD 1.97) was registered in July 2008.
“This April cost of a barrel of BTC FOB Ceyhan oil totaled USD 85.14 against USD 82.62 per barrel of Russian oil mixture Urals (REBCO) and USD 84.89 per barrel of Brent branded oil,” a SOCAR source said.
Simultaneously in April 2010 SOCAR exported 134,570 tons of oil via Baku-Novorossiysk northern route and 583,350 tons for Jan-Apr 2010.
In 2009 export via this route (2.479 million tons) turned out equivalent to 207.26% of export for 2008 (1.196 million tons of oil).