Uzbekistan GDP Grows 7.6% in 1Q 2010
OREANDA-NEWS. May 5, 2010. The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan held a session on 16 April to consider the results of the country's socioeconomic development in the first quarter of 2010 and implementation of the tasks outlined by the President at the government's meeting on 29 January.
The members of the government considered the efficiency of the measures to ensure macroeconomic balance and stable growth of the economy, as well as speeding up the implementation of the most important investment projects to modernize the production, UzA reported.
The Cabinet said consistent implementation of the programs of structural reforms and diversification of the economy, as well as the Anti-Crisis Program for 2009-2012, the country had managed to neutralize the influence of the global crisis and ensure macroeconomic stability and high economic growth.
The GDP of Uzbekistan in January-March increased by 7.6%, industrial production by 7%, agricultural production by 6.1%, services by 12.2% and construction works by 20.1%. The state budget surplus made up 0.2% to GDP and the inflation level was within the forecast parameters.
The volume of export grew by 22.1% in January-March, while the foreign direct investments increased 2.6 times against the same period of 2009.
118 new industrial objects were commissioned in the first quarter, and 29 projects of technical modernization were completed. This year, a total of 418 industrial modernization and re-equipment projects will be implemented in the country.
From the beginning of the year, 215,400 new workplaces were created in
1.4 trillion soums and USD 25.4 million were spent for implementation of the State Program "Year of Harmoniously Developed Generation".
The government said measures were being taken to improve the protection of health of mothers and children, as well as conditions at educational establishments and children's sports objects.
Information and communication technologies are being widely introduced in the educational process. This year, 1,551 schools will be provided with computers and 316 rural schools will receive educational and laboratory equipment.
In January-March, 106,800 new workplaces were opened for young people. The banks issued preferential mortgage credits worth 23.8 billion soums to young families.