UFC Capital Released Daily Ukrainian Market View
OREANDA-NEWS. May 5, 2010. UFC Capital released daily market view:
Trading day on Ukrainska SE to be prolonged. The Securities and Stock Market State Commission approved the decision made by Ukrainska SE Council on April 22, 2010, on prolongation of the trading sessions. Starting from May 11, the trading day on the trading floor will be longer by 30 minutes. The pre-trades session will be opened as usual at 10.00 and the trades will be closed at 17.30.
Equity market. On April 30, trading activity on the Ukrainian stock market was low. Apparently, many traders were anticipating May Day. After opening in positive territory, the Ukrainska SE index took a turn to wind up in the red zone. Afterwards, the index managed to pull into the black for a short while in the second half of the day. Nevertheless, overall for that trading day, the index lost only 0.02%. All in all, 1,472 deals were sealed on the stock exchange for a rather modest 43.5 mln hryvnia.
Ukravto (AVTO; HOLD) was the leader in terms of decline, having fallen by 2.8%. Investors were likely uninspired by the 2009 financial statements issued by the auto producer (for more details, see the relevant news below). At the same time, on the order-driven market, Dniproenergo (DNEN; SELL) recorded the biggest increase at 7.7%.
We do not expect to see large trade volumes on the Ukrainian stock market next week. Private traders will most likely demonstrate the highest activity, while large institutional players will likely not show any significant activity during the next few days.