Governmental Delegation Visited TATNEFT Oil Field
OREANDA-NEWS. April 29, 2010. The governmental delegation headed by Sufyan Al Alao, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Syria, visited South Kishma oil field, which commercial operation is carried out by the Joint Venture established on a parity basis by two companies: Russia's TATNEFT and the Syrian General Petroleum Corporation, reported the press-centre of TATNEFT.
The ceremony witnessed putting into operation the first well of the field and opening an oil loading station.
Mr. Sufyan Al Alao stated in his welcoming speech that "TATNEFT was the first Russian company, which began PSA based commercial development in Syria. This success was not accidental. I have known this Company for a long time and I personally visited its production facilities and studied its capabilities and technologies, as well the potential of TATNEFT”.
Sergey Kirpichenko, Ambassador of Russia in the Syrian Arab Republic, emphasized addressing the audience that "this event is significant in its nature and it continues the traditions established in Soviet times. And today, our countries develop mutually beneficial cooperation under the new conditions". Kirpichenko also highly appraised the economic and technological potential of TATNEFT.
Mr. Hussein Arnus, Governor of Deir ez-Zor province welcomed distinguished guests saying that he was glad that "oil production in the territory entrusted to him is increasing, and it improves the prospects for development of the region and the well-being of local residents”.
The opening ceremony was attended by Rais Khisamov, Deputy General Director and Chief Geologist of OAO TATNEFT, who noted that commencing commercial oil production at South Kishma oil field TATNEFT "looks forward to further deepening and expanding of joint activities”. He also stressed that "the Company has all the capabilities: advanced technologies, experience and expertise”.
Reference Information
Today, daily production rate of well South Kishma-1 amounts to about 80 tons of light water-free oil (470 API). The well is producing in the free flowing mode. The first oil tankers have already started delivering crude oil to Kishma separation station located at a distance of 17 km and owned by the Syrian Petroleum Corporation. Operation of the field is carried out on the basis of the Production Sharing Agreement between TATNEFT and the Syrian side.
Concurrently with the operation of well South Kishma-1 the Company is completing development of the second well South Kishma-101 after acid fracturing and the third well in this area South Kishma-2 after drilling.
TATNEFT was the first Russian company to win an open international tender and conclude a Production Sharing (PSA) Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Agreement in Syria in 2003.
Block 27 is located in the south-eastern part of Syria in Deir ez-Zor province bordering with Iraq. The total area of the block is over 1.9 thousand sq. km.
A considerable amount of 2D and 3D seismic surveys has been carried out since the start of operations at Block 27. Four geological exploration wells have been drilled and the first South Kishma oil field has been discovered.
Al Bou Kamal Petroleum Company is a Joint venture established by TATNEFT and the general Oil Corporation of Syria on a parity basis for production of crude oil from South Kishma oil field. Recoverable reserves of the field are assessed in the amount of 4.9 million tons of crude oil.
TATNEFT is also engaged in geological exploration in Libya under a production sharing agreement with the National Oil Corporation of Libya at four licensed areas with a total area of 18 thousand square kilometers. The Libyan Company's Branch was registered in Tripoli in June 2005.