Centravis Production Ukraine Held Annual Shareholders Meeting
OREANDA-NEWS. April 28, 2010. Took place the annual meeting of shareholders CJSC “CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE” (producer of seamless stainless steel tubes & pipes,
In addition, shareholders of the Company approved the change in the personal composition of Board of Directors CJSC “CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE”. Thus due to termination of employment contracts from the Board of Directors withdrew Szczepek Andrzej Yaroslav, Shyrokobrod Ilya Olegovich, Galkin Michail Alekseevich, Emil Vasilev Yanakievich. As the new members of the Board of Directors were appointed Naumenko Sergey Grigoryevich, Kutsenko Michail Alekseevich, Kozhushkin Michail Eduardovich, Panchenko Sergey Anatolyevich. It was decided by shareholders to prolong membership term in the Board of Directors for Lyutyk Vitaliy Yaroslavovich, Svidunovich Sergey Nikolaevich, Erkes Vyacheslav Evgenyevich, Atanasov Yuriy Vasilyevich. Authorities of the Chairman of Board of Directors are still vested to Atanasov Yuriy Vasilyevich.
“Such substantial staff changes in the Board of Directors of our company related to termination in late 2009-early 2010 of employment contracts for number of top managers of our company and new staff appointment. In particular, we have decided to strengthen the Board of Directors by introduction of top-managers from production services of our company, namely: Kutsenko Michail Alekseevich — Hot Production Director, Naumenko Sergey Grigoryevich — Cold Production Director, Kozhushkin Michail Eduardovich — Technical Director, Panchenko Sergey Anatolyevich — Innovation & Technology Director. We believe that now when the company is in the final stage of modernization, new equipment introduction, active extension of the product assortment, is particularly important efficient management of production capacities “ — commented on recent changes in the Board of Directors membership, the Chairman, General Director of CJSC” CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE “Yuriy Atanasov.
Shareholders of the Company also decided according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies” to change the issue form of registered shares CJSC” CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE” from documentary into non-documentary form, in other words dematerialization process.
Head of Department of Corporate and Legal Affairs CJSC” CENTRAVIS PRODUCTION UKRAINE” Andrey Natrus commented on the shareholders` decision on dematerialization:” Company Centravis always strictly followed and will follow requirements of Ukrainian legislation, therefore, among many other joint-stock companies in Ukraine decided to hold shares dematerialization without waiting for this procedure term extension. Thus, the decision on shares issue dematerialization is the decision taken in the normal course of business in accordance with corporate policy. Renaming of the company and adjustment of incorporation documents according to requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Joint Stock Companies” will be held in the near future, within the law timeframe. “