Veles Capital Released Daily Russian Market Review
OREANDA-NEWS. April 26, 2010. Veles Capital released daily market review:
Board of directors of Sibirtelecom approved exchange coefficients. Board of Sibirtelecom’s directors introduced the matter of joining to Rostelecom to the Agenda of the annual shareholders’ meeting. The following exchange coefficients are being offered within the frames of joining. 46.537 common shares of Sibirtelecom are to be converted into one common share of Rostelecom. As for the preferred shares the coefficient forms 59.374 of preferred shares of Sibirtelecom per common share of Rostelecom.
TMK completed the year 200 with net IAS loss in the amount of 324 mn USD. Pipe metallurgy company (TMK) closed 2009 with net IAS loss in the amount of 324 mn USD. According to the estimation by the company, 1Q 2010 totaled about 1.3 bn USD, EBITDA exceeded 200 mn USD. Net debt of the company as of the end of 2009 formed 3.5 bn USD. Average nominal rate on maintaining the debt totaled 10.7% as of December 31, 2009 versus 12.3% as of June 30, 2009.
Sibirtelecom reported by RAS for the first quarter.
Novoship announced preliminary results according to IAS.