OREANDA-NEWS. April 23, 2010. OJSC Polyus Gold (RTS, MICEX and LSE – PLZL), Russia’s leading gold producer, announced the decisions taken at  the Meeting of the Board of Directors, reported the press-centre of Polyus Gold.

The Board of Directors pre-approved the Annual report of OJSC Polyus Gold for the year 2009.

The Board of Directors recommended to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of OJSC Polyus Gold

1) to distribute the 2009 RAS net profit OJSC Polyus Gold as follows: RUR 1 769 025 492,16 – to be distributed as dividends; RUR 341 287 018,98 – to be kept at the Company’s disposal;

2) to declare dividends upon the 2009 financial results of OJSC Polyus Gold at the rate of RUR 15,83 per ordinary share of OJSC Polyus Gold. Considering the effected interim dividend payment upon the results of 6 months of 2009 in the amount of RUR 6,55 per ordinary share, to effect the final payment in the amount of RUR 9,28 per ordinary share of OJSC Polyus Gold;

3) to resolve that dividends shall be paid within 60 days upon the date of the AGM resolution;

4) to set the dividend payment methods: bank and postal money transfers.