NIBULON Launched Four Non-Self-Propelled Vessels
OREANDA-NEWS. April 22, 2010. Solemn launching of four non-self-propelled river-sea barges and signing the contracts on the construction of tugs for “NIBULON” will take place at OJSC “Wadan Yards Okean”, in Mykolayiv.
The construction of fleet is being actively continued! After launching of vessels the company’s fleet will consist of 20 non-self-propelled vessels.
For the first time in 18 years of independence of Ukraine private river fleet is being built. The fact that “NIBULON” builds the fleet means work places for the domestic metallurgists, manufacturers, shipbuilders.
According to the General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy, “vessels that are built by workers of “Wadan Yards Okean” adequately serve the cause of the company now”. They are high-quality vessels of ice class. There were days when they worked in hummock ice with thickness of a meter. It is a real “elevator on water” with deadweight 108 thousand tons. Such capacity of grain you can put in these non-self-propelled vessels at the same time, storage condition of agricultural products are identical to elevator ones. During construction of these vessels yard used as much metal as it is used for “PANAMAX” type”.
Three tugs - one river and two of coastal navigation have already been purchased. Project documentation is developed and all issues on the construction of 6 new tugs out of 14 planned at shipbuilding yard “Wadan Yards Okean” are resolved.
Technical characteristic ofpusher tug of project NIB-01, which will be built for “NIBULON”: length of tugs will be 37, 81 m; width - nearly 11 m; hull height - 3.5 m; draught - 2,4 m. Vessels with power of its main engine (2x940 kW) can reach speed up to 11.5 knots. The team consists of 10 people, the autonomy of their location on the vessel will be about 12 days.
One can only admire the professional team of “Wadan Yards Okean” that does not stop working on implementation of shipbuilding orders of “NIBULON”. This once again demonstrates the reliability of such a partner as “Wadan Yards Okean”.
By the way, leading European companies are interested in shipbuilding alliance, which is called in the world for the successful cooperation between two companies “hammer and sickle”. Today Russian, Kazakh, Italian, Spanish companies ask for drawings of “NIBULON” non-self-propelled vessels. This fact demonstrates the demand for such kind of vessels, their necessity and relevance in a modern economy.
A harmonious cooperation of two companies will continue! Moreover, “NIBULON” is pleased to cooperate with OJSC “Wadan Yards Okean”. Then in 2010 the company plans to start the construction of self-propelled fleet that will plow the rivers of Ukraine and the Caspian Sea, supplying grain to the Middle East. The company has set a goal: to transport Ukrainian grain flying Ukrainian flag. This task will be implemented in 2010 on full. The company will become an example for the whole world how to revive the shipbuilding and agriculture of Ukraine.
In the framework of the investment project, new high-quality transshipment terminal for grains and oilseeds was built and put into operation in Chygyryn district of Cherkasy region in record time – only 2 months. At the same time two elevator complexes were built and now successfully operate in Poltava region - in Globyne town and Romodan village. In December 2009 in Kamyanka-Dniprovs’ka town of Zaporizhzhya region the construction of new river terminal of “NIBULON” was started; on the 12th of March 2010, in Gradyz’k town of Globyno district of Poltava region a solemn ceremony of the beginning of construction of new transshipment terminal took place.On the 8th of April 2010, in “Artemivs’ka” branch (Artemivka village, Chutovo district of Poltava region) the construction of a new elevator complex was started.
Preparations for the beginning of construction of two complexes in Poltava region are being continued. Thus, by the 1st of July 2010, eight newly built elevators of “NIBULON” will operate, four of them are river terminals. Total storage capacities for agricultural products of the company will compile 1.5 million tons.