Direct Investments in Azerbaijani Oil Sector Total USD 726 mln
OREANDA-NEWS. April 21, 2010. In January to March, investments in Azerbaijani oil sector totaled only 35.5% of all capital investments in country’s economics against 27% summarizing the results of 2009 and 30.9% following the results of 2008. In March, they totaled 37.6% of all investments.
The Azerbaijan State Statistics Committee (ASSC) informed that in January to March, 2010, AZN 580.8 million was invested in oil sector (USD 726 million on average rate AZN 0.8 to the US dollar), and AZN 1.056 bn - in non-oil sector.
In January to March, investments in oil sector increased by 43.8%, and in non-oil sector – reduced by 8.7%. Summarizing the results of March, the share of investments in oil sector increased to 37.6% of all investments for the past month (AZN 560.1 million), while the share of investments in non-oil sector reduced to 62.4%.
In January to March, overall investments in extracting sector totaled AZN 577.9 million that is by 45.4% more versus in January to March, 2009. At the same time, total investments in industrial sector made AZN 727.3 million with growth by 29%, but only AZN 32.1 million was invested in processing industry (-24.5%).
Investments in power and gas sectors totaled AZN 65.2 million (+42.3%), in gas sector – AZN 46.3 million (+22.1-fold), in water and waste utilization - AZN 52.1 million (-33.2%), in transport, storage industry, and communications AZN 514.4 million (-21%), including AZN 513.8 million (-21%) in transport and AZN 600,000(+69.5%) in postal service and AZN 6.4 million (-57.5%) in communication.
Investments in real estate operations made AZN 90.9 million (-19.46%), including in housing construction AZN 89 million (+8%). Having increased by 87.3%, investments in agriculture totaled AZN 85.8 million. Investments in construction sector made AZN 10 million (-37.8%) and in trade - AZN 30.9 million (+53.1%).
In January to March, total investments in the country’s economics amounted to AZN 1.636 bn (+4.9%).