Power Machines to Take Part in ASME TURBO EXPO
OREANDA-NEWS. April 21, 2010. Power Machines will take part in a Conference to be held within the framework of the technical gas and steam turbine congress and exhibition ASME TURBO EXPO, which will be held on June 14-18.06, 2010 in Glasgow, Scotland. The presentation "Numerical simulation of combustion processes and analysis of temperature field non-uniformity in GTE-65 gas turbine combustor" will be submitted at the conference by Dmitry Tarasov, co-authors: Alexander Lebedev, Nikolay Simin, Viktor Grinevich, Gas Turbine Design Department.
The event will be organized by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI), which is a technical institute of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International). The Institute was launched with the aim to organize world leading forums within the field of development and exchange of information concerning design, production, operation and application of all types of gas turbines and the corresponding land-water-air equipment.
ASME TURBO EXPO is the best event for all companies that work in the sphere of gas turbines, which embraces industrial ground sets, civil and military aircraft engines, marine engine and power units, oil gas turbine units – oil platforms and pipelines, power steam and gas turbine units, technologies and equipment for steam and gas turbines production, auxiliary equipment production, maintenance and service.
You can find more information about this event at the http://www.asmeconferences.org