Azerbaijan Central Bank Announces Purchase of Equipment
OREANDA-NEWS. April 06, 2010. The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) announced a quotation method tender procedure to render service and buy fire fighting equipment.
Tender commission informs that the tender procedure is carried out for six lots: the first lot – printing quarterly surveys, the second one - rendering service for equipment in a main administrative building, as well as in Bilasuvar and Ganja, the third - rendering service for electric equipment territorial administrations, the fourth - rendering service for automatic telephone station, the fifth - rendering service for air conditioners and the sixth - to buy and install fire-protection equipment. Tender participation cost is AZN 30 – 40 depending on a lot.
The claimants are required to submit information about juridical status and state registration of the organization (charter and registration certificate), VAT payment registration, indicate field of activities, bank data, data about lack of tax debts, a bank guarantee for 1% of bid value.
The bids must be submitted till 6 pm 15 April 2010 in the administrative building of CBA (32, Rashid Behbudov Street, Baku). Unsealing of bid packages will take place at 10:00 am, on 16 April, 2010.
For more info call: 493-11-22 (501).