TNK-BP Will Invest USD 90 Million in Health and Safety in 2010
OREANDA-NEWS. April 06, 2010. TNK-BP has announced the intermediate results of the corporate health programe entitled “Live Longer!” on the eve of the International Health Day taking place on 7 April.
In 2009, over 32 000 employees, or 64% of the company staff, underwent preventive medical examination.
The number of health units set up to provide emergency medical assistance reached 64; these units were equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools including automated defibrillators for cardiac resuscitation.
The total number of new ambulance vehicles amounted to 35 vehicles.
In late 2009 the number of medical volunteers recruited and trained to provide first aid treatment totalled 4 200; an additional 1 000 volunteers are slated to undergo training in 2010.
In 2009 the “Golden rules of safe operations” were introduced throughout the company and disseminated among more than 50 000 company employees and more than 80 000 employees of contractor organisations.
This work resulted in a 56% reduction of temporary incapacitation instances (as per 200 000 man/hours), whereas major traffic accidents dropped by 85% as opposed to 2006 – the beginning of the program implementation.
Personal involvement of both management and company employees plays a key role in ensuring efficient implementation of the “Live Longer!” program. In the last three years the company held nine health, safety and environmental protection forums for general directors of subsidiaries and principal contractor organisations.
In the five years of the program implementation TNK-BP’s investment in health and safety exceeded USD 350 million, out of which about USD 80 million was spent in 2009.
“TNK-BP’s strategic goal is to become a world—class oil and gas company. Primarily, it means that we have to provide better health care services to our employees and representatives of contracting organisations create a safer work place and protect the environment in the course of our production activities. This year the company’s investments into employee health and safety improvement will amount to 90 million dollars The company will step up efforts to introduce the culture of safe operations, promote a healthy life-style and use state-of-the-art treatment and medical facilities to provide assistance to employees no matter where they are – in the corporate centre or at remote production sites”, said Bill Schrader, Chief Operating Officer of TNK-BP.