UFC Capital Released Daily Ukrainian Market View
OREANDA-NEWS. April 1, 2010. UFC Capital released daily market view:
The number of authorized rating agencies may increase. The commission for organizing and holding the competition to determine authorized rating agencies has decided to hold a second stage of the competition, which has been scheduled for May 13, 2010. Earlier, four companies proceeded to the second stage, as follows: ІІ-Rating, Rurik, Expert-Rating, and Consulting-Gamma. In addition, the SSMSC has already confirmed the status of the rating agency that was previously authorized – Credit-Rating – without subjecting this incumbent agency to participation in the competition.
Equity market. On March 30, the Ukrainska SE index climbed by 1.99%. During the course of the trading session in
Overall, on Tuesday, 3,071 deals were sealed on the Ukrainska SE for a total of 79.2 mln hryvnia. Motor Sich (MSICH) became the absolute leader on the order-driven market in terms of growth, with a gain of 11.1%.
On March 30, the shares of Bagleicoks OJSC (BKOK), which used to be relatively liquid in 2007-2008, were included into the non-listed category of the Ukrainska SE listing. The Company’s shares may hereinafter be traded on the quote-driven market.