OREANDA-NEWS. April 1, 2010. UFC Capital released daily market view:

The number of authorized rating agencies may increase. The commission for organizing and holding the competition to determine authorized rating agencies has decided to hold a second stage of the competition, which has been scheduled for May 13, 2010. Earlier, four companies proceeded to the second stage, as follows: ІІ-Rating, Rurik, Expert-Rating, and Consulting-Gamma. In addition, the SSMSC has already confirmed the status of the rating agency that was previously authorized – Credit-Rating – without subjecting this incumbent agency to participation in the competition.

Equity market. On March 30, the Ukrainska SE index climbed by 1.99%. During the course of the trading session in Ukraine, most major European largest stock indices, as well as the RTS index, stayed in the green zone. The US Dow Jones opened above zero as well. The optimism of US investors was probably based on good figures posted by S&P/Case-Shiller, signaling an increase in housing prices in the 20 largest US cities in January 2010 – the price rose by 0.3% compared with the preceding month.

Overall, on Tuesday, 3,071 deals were sealed on the Ukrainska SE for a total of 79.2 mln hryvnia. Motor Sich (MSICH) became the absolute leader on the order-driven market in terms of growth, with a gain of 11.1%.

On March 30, the shares of Bagleicoks OJSC (BKOK), which used to be relatively liquid in 2007-2008, were included into the non-listed category of the Ukrainska SE listing. The Company’s shares may hereinafter be traded on the quote-driven market.