Rostelecom Announces BoD Decisions
OREANDA-NEWS. March 29, 2010. Rostelecom (RTS and MICEX: RTKM, RTKMP; OTC: ROSYY) hereby announces the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company based on the results of voting in absentia:
The Board of Directors has adopted a decision to place on a list of candidates for voting to the Board of Directors at the general shareholders meeting of Rostelecom devoted to the financial results of 2009.
Under a proposal advanced by Svyazinvest:
Evgeny V. Yurchenko, Director General of Svyazinvest;
Alexander Yu. Provotorov, First Deputy Director General of Svyazinvest;
Alexei A. Lokotkov, Deputy Director General of Svyazinvest;
Elena V. Umnova, Deputy Director General of Svyazinvest;
Viktor D. Savchenko, Deputy Director General of Svyazinvest;
Vladimir N. Bondarik, Deputy Director General of Svyazinvest;
Sergey I. Kuznetsov, member of National Register of Independent Directors under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
Mikhail A. Leschenko, Deputy Director General of Svyazinvest;
Valentina F. Veremyanina, Director of the Department of Corporate Governance and Legal Support of Svyazinvest;
Konstantina V. Malofeeva, Managing Partner of the Representative Office of MarCap Advisors Limited);
Ivan I. Rodionov, Professor of
Under a proposal advanced by state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency:
Valery A. Miroshnikov, First Deputy General Director of state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency;
Marina A. Zinovina, Deputy General Director state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency;
Larisa A. Kudryakova, Deputy General Director state corporation Deposit Insurance Agency.
Under a proposal advanced by state corporation Vnesheconombank:
Anatoly V. Tikhonov, board member/first deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank;
Anatoly B. Ballo, board member/first deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank;
Mikhail I. Poluboyarin, Head of the Department of Infrastructure of Vnesheconombank;
Yury V. Surkov, Deputy Head of the Department of Infrastructure of Vnesheconombank;
Yury A. Kudimov, General Director of Investment Company Vnesheconombank (VEB Capital).
According to the Charter of Rostelecom, the Board of Directors of the Company consists of 11 members.
The Board of Directors of Rostelecom adopted the decision to include in its list for voting to the Audit Committee the following candidates:
Under a proposal advanced by Svyazinvest:
Olga G. Koroleva, Chief Accountant of Svyazinvest;
Mikhail B. Golubitsky, Director of the Department of Economics and Finance of Svyazinvest;
Mikhail V. Batmanov, Deputy Director of the Department of Corporate Management and Legal Support of Svayzinvest;
Svetlana N. Bocharova, Head of the Department of Accounting, Tax and Record-Keeping of Svyazinvest;
Alexei V. Maltsev, Deputy Director of the Department of Strategy and Development of Svyazinvest.
Under a proposal advanced by state corporation Vnesheconombank:
Vyacheslav E. Usupov, Head of Internal Control Unit of Vnesheconombank;
Georgy V. Chicherin, Head of Group, Transport Division, Infrastructure Department of Vnesheconombank.
According to the Charter of Rostelecom, the Audit Committee of the Company consists of five members.