Gazpromneft-Tuymen Paid Fine for Violating Antimonopoly Law
OREANDA-NEWS. March 17, 2010. "Gazpromneft-Tuymen" OJSC paid a 16.5 million Rubles fine for taking part in a price collusion on the oil markets on the Tyumen region. The company transferred the above sum to the budget after it had lost a case in the Appeal Court on invalidating a determination of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Office in the Tyumen region (the Tyumen OFAS Russia), which had imposed administrative charges upon "Gazpromneft-Tuymen" OJSC, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.
Earlier the Tyumen OFAS Russia established a fact of price collusion between "Gazpromneft-Tuymen" OJSC, "Lukoil-Uralnefteproduct"Ltd. and "AZS-N1" Ltd. (violation of Article 11of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition"). In January - August 2008 the three companies fixed and maintained the same prices for motor fuel in Tyumen and the Tyumen District.
For committing this violationб "Lukoil-Uralnefteproduct"Ltd. and "AZS-N1" Ltd. were also fined 10 and 3.5 million Rubles accordingly.