Azerbaijani Real Estate Appraisers to Take Certification Examination
OREANDA-NEWS. AQC reports that the first day of the third exam will be held on 19 April.
“Preparatory courses for its participants will start in Baku since 1 April. It will be the first exam to be conducted in Azeri language. Within its framework holding of exam will be transferred from profile project of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to AQC. In the first day the exam will also be attended by representatives of the SECO (Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs) which is the financing party,” AQC says.
Earlier the exam was scheduled for February and the IFC consultants on its holding were expected to come in the same month.
As a whole, IFC was to supervise over the third and fourth exams to be organized within six or seven months.
Originally the third exam was scheduled for December 2009 but was postponed for 15-20 January in connection with work schedule of the consultants hired by the IFC which are still supervising the exam process.
There are already up to 30-40 claimants for passing a preparatory course and an exam, but it is real to form an education group of 10-15 claimants.
On 7 November 2009, the AQS Board of Directors endorsed legal and standard documents of the system, plan of development of test questions for the exam, form of certificate and logotype of the AQS Exam Centre.
Currently trainers are being chosen, which will carry out courses before the exam and examiners are determined. Courses can last 1-3 weeks and the exam will take place in December.
The third exam will be conducted for the first time in state (Azerbaijani) language.
Earlier, AQC indicated that by the present the experts of IFC finished translation of standard base into state (Azeri language).
Experimental introduction of the system of certification of real estate appraisers for mortgage lending started on 8-13 May of the year with assistance of Primary Mortgage Market Development Project in Central Asia and Azerbaijan when the first certification exam took place.
Two first exams were conducted in Russian language. During following exams an opportunity for exam passing in Russian language will be kept on request of Society’s members.
The third exam will be conducted by the appraisers who passed certification successfully during the two previous exams, while foreign observers will be observers. Summarizing the results of two certification exams, 7 real estate appraisers were certified, including 4 ones in the 2nd exam finished on 20 June.
The system of certification of real estate appraisers for mortgage lending was started to form since submitting the project of IFC on preliminary development of mortgage in Azerbaijan and Central Asia.
Following the pilot exam three seekers were issued certificates and another three ones were given one-month term for repeating oral part of the exam, that they did during the second exam.
The examiners were Igor Artemenkov, the first vice president of the Society of Appraisers of Russia (RSA), and Khamid Mamadjanov, deputy chairperson of the RCA Qualification Commission, while exam observers are IFC project representative Azer Aliyev, Milli Majlis MP and AQS honorary chairperson Khanhuseyn Kazimli and a representative of the Parliament Administration.
In order to receive a certificate the examinee should receive 70 pass-marks in each of the stages. The certificate holders will get the right to conduct similar exam in the future under the aegis of AQC.