Tashkent Hosts UzBuild and MebelExpo Exhibitions
OREANDA-NEWS. March 12, 2010. Two annual international exhibitions opened in Tashkent on Tuesday – the 11th UzBuild (Construction) exhibition and the 7th MebelExpo (Furniture, interior an design) exhibition.
The events have been organized by ITE Uzbekistan and its partner I.T.E. Exhibitions & Conferences Ltd (Great Britain) with support of the State Committee for Architecture and Construction, Uzstroymaterialy company, Tashkent city administration and the Commerce and Industry Chamber.
UzBuild is demonstrating effective technologies and materials, equipment and solutions for construction. During the negotiations, its participants will be able to consider issues of investment in construction sector of Uzbekistan.
The construction materials market in the country is currently experiencing a rapid growth as a result of the nationwide program to develop rural housing in all regions of Uzbekistan.
UzBuild 2010 has attracted 120 companies from 15 countries, including Uzbekistan, Austria, Belarus, Germany, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Finland, France and Sweden.
Almost half of the exposition is occupied by the local producers, among them Maxsus Polimer, Tashkent paint plant, Termi Pro, Vip Komfort, Desk-Invest, Osiyo-Granit, Sam Ros Holod, Plastherm Technology, Smart Heating Systems and others.
MebelExpo Uzbekistan is demonstrating the latest solutions for furniture production. The exhibition has attracted about 30 companies from 10 countries, including locally-based joint ventures Orient-Mebel, Mebel, Eman and Tus Buero.