Telecommunication Technologies Serve Petrochemical Workers
OREANDA-NEWS. March 05, 2010. The project on full automation of the product transport and delivery processes is under completion at the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries – the leading petrochemical enterprise of the country. It was made possible through installing SCADA – the telecommunication supervisory control and data acquisition system at the Kenar enterprise for storing and loading oil products.
In accordance with the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan the 33 million euro worth project is implemented jointly with the Oil and Gas Trading LTD Company (the British Virgin Islands) and the Turkish construction company Ekol. The SCADA system installed and being prepared for operation by the foreign partners at the request of the Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries and the MOTOROLA wireless communication system enable to control all processes at the petroleum storage depot remotely.
The 80-km pipelines that supply diesel and heating oil, gasoline, kerosene and other oil products to the storage facilities and offshore terminal, where they are loaded in tankers, tank farm, distribution and oil loading units of the berths and railway platforms of the enterprise are equipped with precision instruments. The data collected by digital devices installed on the dispatch control units is processed by the computers of the operator and central control stations. Counting units were tested with the help of the FLOW PROVER test device.
Along with ensuring the high accuracy measurement of fuel supply and consumption the electronic technology of monitoring the flow of oil products allows simplifying and reducing dozens times the time spent for drawing necessary documentation. It will increase the effectiveness of the activities at the enterprise and its personnel – operators, operations managers, specialists of the oil products registration departments and laboratory workers who attended the special training courses on the use state-of-the-art research equipment and new methods of work.
Ensuring large-scale automation of the processes of receiving, storing and loading oil products the SCADA system will allow increasing the effectiveness of the management of production infrastructure of the Kenar enterprise, the reliability and environmental safety of the industrial complex on the Caspian coast.