Turkmenistan Started Lamb Campaign
OREANDA-NEWS. March 05, 2010. The lamb campaign has started in the livestock breeding associations throughout the country with the spring coming. The associations in Lebap and Mary Velayats were the first to launch this important agricultural campaign. According to the Turkmenmallary Association, to date over 300,000 heads of young animals have been yielded there. The good news coming from distant pastures these spring days testify to the good prospects for an increase in small livestock population.
The cattle breeding associations in Ahal and Balkan Velayats will start the campaign on March 5-10 and in northern Dashoguz on March 15-20. The cattle breeding associations affiliated with the Turkmenmallary Association have made all necessary preparations for this year’s campaign. They are planning to receive over 1.2 million lambs from over 1.1 million ewes. There are all necessary things for the lamb campaign including fodder reserves prepared in the pastures. Tenant-shepherds together with the specialists of the cattle breeding associations, livestock farms and veterinarians take the measures to preserve and rear young animals.
The lamb campaign is continued in the camel breeding farms throughout the country. Local livestock breeders rear Arabian camels of the Arvan breed. Camels of this unique breed raised in the ancient Turkmen land are the national heritage of the Turkmen people. At present, there are five livestock breeding associations in Turkmenistan: Sakarchaga in Mary Velayat, Turkmenistan and Kizylarbat – in Balkan Velayat, Kirpili – in Ahal Velayat and Jeyhun – in Lebap Velayat. The specialists and scientists carry out joint activities to preserve and improve the gene pool of this breed of camels. In particular, the Sakarchaga association conducts the research to rear animals of six Arvan lines – Batly, Seleng, Gaplan, Gokgaplan, Gevers and Garagulak.
The camel population raised at the farms of the Turkmenmallary Association totals over 14,000 heads. Local specialists expect the population to increase up to 2,700 colts this season. To date, over 650 colts have been yielded. Under the contracts Turkmen camel breeders will receive 30% of the total yield.
Turkmen cattle breeders contribute to broadening a range of products made from camel milk which are in great demand on local market. As is known, one liter of camel’s milk provides the full daily dose of vitamins.
Thus, camel breeding – an ancient trade of Turkmen cattle breeders becomes a very promising branch of the livestock sector.