OREANDA-NEWS. March 05, 2010. The assets of VTB Bank are valued at RUB 2444bn, compared to RUB 2590bn as of 1 February and RUB 2673bn at the beginning of 2010, reported the press-centre of VTB Bank.

The corporate loan portfolio of the Bank exceeds RUB 1408bn, compared to RUB 1445bn as of 1 February and RUB 1431bn as of 1 January, 2010.

Corporate accounts and deposits amount to RUB 875bn, down by 11% from RUB 981bn as of 1 February 2010.

The Bank’s net profit in February 2010 exceeds RUB 7.04bn due to stable operating income.
The nonconsolidated statements have been prepared in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards for the head company OJSC VTB Bank only.