Insurance Premiums Paid to INGO Group Made RUB 75.2 bln in 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. March 2, 2010. According to preliminary data, the total amount of insurance premiums paid to INGO group, comprising Ingosstrakh OJSIC (Russia), SOFAG (Germany), INGO Ukraine (Ukraine), INGO Ukraine-Life, Garant (Austria), IngoNord (Finland), BelIngosstrakh (Republic of Belarus), INGO Armenia (Republic of Armenia), Kyrgyzinstrakh (Kyrgyz Republic), INGO Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan), IC Ingosstrakh-Life (Russia), IC Ingosstrakh-M (Russia), Emergency Insurance Company OJSC (Russia), MSK EMESK OJSC (Russia), Ingosstrakh ONDD Credit Insurance LLC (Russia) for 2009 amounted to about 75.2 bln rubles, 7% higher than the same indicator of the year before the last. Indemnity paid by these companies during the reporting period amounted to 56.5 bln rubles, 27% higher than the same indicator for 2008.
The overall premium amount of INGO companies (Ingosstrakh OJSIC, IC Ingosstrakh-M, IC Ingosstrakh-Life, Emergency Insurance Company OJSC, MSK EMESK OJSC, Ingosstrakh ONDD Credit Insurance LLC) from insurance and reinsurance operations for 2009 amounted to 69.2 bln rubles, 10% more than the same indicator for 2008, including 19.4 bln rubles for IC Ingosstrakh-M and MSK EMESK OJSIC. Indemnity paid by Russian companies amounted to 52.7 bln rubles in 2009, 34% higher than the same indicator for 2008.
The total premium amount collected by Ingosstrakh OJSIC in 2009 amounted to 48.5 bln rubles, 5% more than in 2008, including 44.6 bln rubles from direct insurance operations (6% growth) and 3.9 bln rubles for incoming reinsurance operations.
For voluntary insurance other than life insurance (including incoming reinsurance), the amount of insurance premiums paid to Ingosstrakh increased by 3% and amounted to 42.6 bln rubles, including 5.7 bln rubles for personal insurance (except for life insurance) (3% growth as compared to 2008), 33.2 bln rubles for property insurance (more than 3% growth) and 3.7 bln rubles for voluntary liability insurance (7% growth).
For compulsory motor third party liability insurance (CMTPL) the premiums paid to Ingosstrakh amounted to 5.9 bln rubles (16% growth).
The total amount of indemnity paid by Ingosstrakh OJSIC amounted to 33.2 bln rubles, 35% more than in 2008.
For voluntary insurance other than life insurance (including incoming reinsurance indemnity), the indemnity paid by the company amounted to 29.9 bln rubles, 36% more than last year, including 5.9 bln rubles for personal insurance (except for life insurance) (62% growth), 22.2 bln rubles for property insurance (more than 33% growth) and 1.8 bln rubles for voluntary liability insurance (3% growth). CMPTL indemnity payments for 2009 amounted to 3.3 bln rubles (24% growth).
During the accounting period, the assets of Ingosstrak OJSIC, Ingosstrakh-Life, Ingosstrakh-M, Emergency Insurance Company OJSC, MSK EMESK OJSC and Ingosstrakh ONDD Credit Insurance LLC increased by 8% and amounted to 68.1 bln rubles. The insurance reserves of INGO companies increased by 2% and amounted to 46.6 bln rubles. As of January 1, 2010 the equity capital amounted to 15.2 bln rubles, 27% more than the same indicator as of January 1, 2009.
According to preliminary data, Ingosstrakh OJSIC earnings before tax were as high as 2.2 bln rubles and net income – 1.6 bln rubles, while the investments amounted to 4 bln rubles in 2009.