Russia to Invest RUB 128 bln in New Nuclear Federal Target Program
OREANDA-NEWS. February 25, 2010. The Government approved federal target program "Nuclear power technologies of new generation for period of 2010 to 2015 and for prospect till 2020", informs press service of Government of the RF. Financing amount makes 128 bln. rub. Respective resolution was on 3 February, 2010 signed by Prime minister of RF Vladimir Putin.
According to the program, from federal budget assigning of 110.428 bln rub. for the program execution is planned, of which for scientific and research and research and development work – 50.97 bln rub., for capital investments – 59.457 bln rub. More 17.866 bln rub are to be sent from off-budget sources.
The federal target program was developed by State corporation "Rosatom" in accordance with the FTP program approved by direction of Government of Russia. It provides accelerated development and reproduction of scientific and technological potential of nuclear power sector, engagement of young specialists, creation of conditions for output of competitive science intensive products of world class in the area of use of nuclear power.
The planned growth of output and sale of innovative products of nuclear power sector of the RF, including export of high-technology equipment, works and services in the area of use of nuclear power, should provide increase contribution of the branch in the amount of produced industrial goods to 1.34% by 2020.
Higher level of nuclear and radiation safety should become an important ecological effect of the program execution due to reduction of volume of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, achievement of ecological parameters of closed nuclear fuel cycle acceptable for the society and economy, as well as minimization of use of involved natural uranium in it.
At the first stage of the program (2010–2014) the task is set to solve such issues as obtaining of technical solutions and development of detail designs of fundamentally new fast neutron reactors with lead, lead and bismuthic and sodium heat-transfer medium; finishing of designing and performing of startup of fuel complexes for production of uranium and plutonium oxide fuel for fast neutron reactors; finishing of first reactor tests and after-reactor researches of dense fuel for fast neutron reactors.
At the second stage (2015–2020) construction of experimental samples of fast neutron reactors with lead, lead and bismuthic heat-transfer medium is planned, as well as multi-purpose research fast neutron reactor (MBIR) instead of current research reactors with exhausted resource; commissioning of technically reequipped complex of large physical stands for modeling of fast neutron reactors and their fuel cycles; construction and commissioning of complex on production of dense fuel for fast neutron reactors; finishing of construction of experimental semi-industrial complex of fuel provision of fast neutron reactors for fine-tuning of closed fuel cycle technologies; finishing of construction, reconstruction, technical reequipment and commissioning of necessary research basis for safety provision.