Aqrarkredit’s Profit for 2009 Exceeded AZN 116 000
OREANDA-NEWS. February 19, 2010. Non-bank credit organization Aqrarkredit OJSC has summed up results of activity in 2009.
The Organization informs that its assets for the past year totaled AZN 25.336 million.
“Last year Aqrarkredit extended loans to 559 employers and amount of the loans exceeded AZN 5.478 million. Repayment on loans in 2009 was at the level of 95.8%,” it was reported.
In 2009 the balance on the disbursed loans of Aqrarkredit reached AZN 16.1 million.
Last year Organization’s earnings reached AZN 4.184 million and expenditures AZN 4.067 million.
“As a result, Aqrarkredit’s balance profit for 2009 amounted to AZN 116.7 million,” the Organization said.
Aqrarkredit’s capital was AZN 18.535 million.
The Organization was established in 2001 with charter capital of AZN 11.8 million. Its branch network is operating in 12 regions of Azerbaijan.