OREANDA-NEWS. February 16, 2010. The building object which interests the majority of the townspeople was also in the center of attention of heads of the Government of Karelia and administration of Petrozavodsk. It was not only because its commissioning is a part of the plan of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Karelia but also because since recently it has been defining the architectural shape of the well-liked city quay. It is Onego Palace hotel.
To observe the course of works and the degree of readiness of the object there came the Prime Minister of the Government of Karelia Pavel Chernov and the mayor of Petrozavodsk Nikolai Levin. On this occasion to Petrozavodsk came the famous Russian businessman Mr Ralif Safin who supervises the construction personally. They have taken a look at the internal premises of the hotel, listened to explanations and comments of experts. There has been held an improvised working meeting on problematics of the construction.
The Onego Palace hotel id to be commissioined by the 90th anniversary of the republic. It is included in the plan of preparatory measures signed by the president. Accordingly, the level of attention to construction is very high. The course of works is controlled by the Administration of the president and Head of the Republic of Karelia Sergey Katanandov is supervising the construction personally. Therefore, Mr Safin with confidence has brushed away all doubts that the hotel might be commissioned in time. Despite of some complexities regarding financing of the object, and work there goes at full speed.
Civil and erection works are completed by now, all hands are to internal furnishing and equipment. Today on the average there work 110 people a day. According to Mr Safin, he draws great forces and means from other objects in regions of Russia to complete this construction at a stated time. In parallel with completion of works there has been launched the process of selection and training of personnel for the future hotel. It is supposed that the personnel will be enrolled from among the residents of Petrozavodsk and Karelia. Workers will have good salaries, though great demands will be imposed on them. There is nothing to do without knowledge of at least one foreign language in addition to the basic speciality.
Mr ;Safin also has expressed gratitude to the Head of Republic Sergey Katanandov for his attention to construction and great assistance in VAT refund. The acquiring assets, as he said, are immediately re-inversted in construction.
Mr ;Safin has great plans concerning our republic. He speaks of the possibility of his participation in housing construction, about plans of constructing a new factory in Petrozavodsk to produce of medical substances, as well as about prospects of organization of production of auto trucks under one of the world-famous under trademarks.