ZTR Will Supply Transformers for TPP Cherepetskaya
OREANDA-NEWS. February 11, 2010. JSC “Zaporozhtransformator” (ZTR) has signed the Contract with General Contractor – “Technopromexport” Company – for supply of five transformers for TPP Cherepetskaya (RF).
ZTR transformers are purposed for two pulverized coal power units to be constructed at the area of TPP C herepetskaya and rated for 225 MW each. Under conditions of the Contract, new types of transformers will be designed and manufactured: two transformers with capacity 270 MVA, 220 kV, one transformer rated for 40 MVA, 220 kV and two transformers rated for 40 MVA, 35 kV.
The project of power plant modernization is included into the list of top-priority areas for input of generating capacities in the United Power System of Russia. Improvement of TPP Cherepetskaya will have a direct influence on the rehabilitation of financial and economic condition of the whole region. It is planned to invest about RUR 13 mln for the construction of new units. After their commissioning, the capacity of one of the largest steam-turbine power plants in
The main competitors of ZTR within tendering were the Manufacturers of Russia: “Electrozavod” and “Tolyatinsky Transformator”. “Co-operation between JSC “ZTR” and “Technopromexpert” Company continues for tens of years, – Arkadiy Kharchenko commented, Head of Sales Office for
Advanced payment was received in the middle of January. Currently, design and engineering documentation development is in process. Equipment is scheduled to be shipped at the end of 2010 – beginning of 2011.