Irkut Corporation Finished Works on Control Stage of МC-21 Program
OREANDA-NEWS. February 10, 2010. Irkut Corporation has finished works on passing of the third control stage (gate) by МC-21 program.
The commission represented by experts of the industry, branch institutes and state structures has approved materials presented by Irkut.
Passage of the third control stage (gate) stipulated:
- analysis of the business plan and economic efficiency of the program;
- market and the marketing policy assessment;
- consideration and approval of the outline sketch , an assessment of the accepted technical and technological decisions;
- analysis of decisions on life cycle support, information technology and the integrated logistical support.
The commission also has confirmed the budget and the plan-schedule of a following stage of works on МC-21program.
The president of Irkut Oleg Demchenko said: "Passage of the third control stage has proved ideas and decisions of the Irkut experts. The program is carried out according to the schedule. Our plans are - further expansion of works and active marketing of the plane".
The program of creation of MC-21 family – the basic perspective project of UAC and Irkut Corporation is the head executor. The program is included in the Federal target program of development of civil aircraft till 2015.
The Family of Aircrafts includes three models: MC-21-200, MC-21-300 and MC-21-400 with a passenger capacity of 150, 181, and 212.
Technologically МC-21 will surpass the level of existing planes. Introduction of high technologies will provide 25 percent improvement of fuel profitability, 15 percent decrease in working costs and also a new level of ecological safety. High technical perfection is planned to reach by introduction of the new aerodynamic concept of a wing, increasing of amount of composite materials, using highly economical perspective engines and avionics of new generation.
The first flight of MC-21 is planned in 2014. Russian certification is planned to be finished in 2015, international certification – in 2016.