KazakhGold Releases Its Operating Results for August –December
OREANDA-NEWS. February 10,
In August-December 2009 the volume of total rock moved at the Group’s production units and projects amounted to 232.6 thousand cubic meters, out of which 197.2 thousand cubic meters were related to stripping. Total rock moved is given only for open-pit mining. In the reporting period the Group mined 432.1 thousand tonnes of ore both from open-pit and underground operations. The average grade of the ore mined was equal to 3.04 g/t.
In the last five months of 2009 Zholymbet mine produced 12.1 k oz (
By type of the semi-product the breakdown of the production was the following: 10.4 k oz of gold was in sludge, 9.1 k oz in quartzite ore, 3.6 k oz and 2.8 k oz in flotation and gravitation concentrate, respectively, with the rest in other semi-products.
During the last five months of 2009 the Group sold 29.4 k oz of gold, resulting in revenues for the Group of USD 26.2 million. The gold was sold to the following destinations:
According to preliminary estimates, total capital expenditures in 2009 amounted to approximately USD 6.6 million (including exploration).
During this period the upgrading of underground mine equipment was underway at all mines, as well as repair works at the mills. At Zholymbet, the construction of hypochlorite preparation and tailings neutralization workshops, as well as oxygen station of the plant, was completed. In addition, capital and maintenance repair works at the production workshops, administration building, and the industrial area of the mine were carried out.
Production at the heap leaching complexes at Aksu and Bestobe was resumed.
Capital repair of the Ventilyatsionnaya shaft at Bestobe was completed; the sludge line was reconstructed; water cleaning system was installed to ensure the stable supply of drinking water; and capital repair of administration complex was carried out.
At Aksu, modernization at shafts No 39-40 was done and operations resumed; and capital repair of the administration complex at shaft No40 was done. In addition, capital and maintenance repair works at a number of production and administration facilities were carried out.