OREANDA-NEWS. February 04, 2010. According to the press secretary of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine Fant Di, Ukraine is holding negotiations on resumption of electric power export to Moldova with the state company Energocom after it became known that the cost of electric power purchased by Moldova from the Moldovan Hydroelectric Power Station situated in Transnistria and belonging to the Russian company Inter RAO EEA increased in 2010 – to 5.83 cents for 1 kWh.

It made Energocom sit at the negotiations table. Ukraine can offer partner conditions which will be advantageous for the both parties to Moldova”, Fant said. He evaluates the monthly demand for Ukrainian electric power in Moldova in the amount of 250-270 million kWh. As it was reported earlier, Ukraine stopped commercial supplies of electric power to Moldova in the beginning of the last year as Russian offered a lower price to Moldova.

Moldova resumed electric power purchases from the Moldovan Hydroelectric Power Station since January 1, 2009. Under the contract signed between the Moldovan Hydroelectric Power station and the Moldovan company Energocom, electricity supplies will be effected till March 31, 2010. Moldova currently produces about 30% of the needed electric power. The deficient volumes are purchased from the Moldovan Hydroelectric Power Station.