RusAg Loan Portfolio Reached RUR 612 bln at YE2009
OREANDA-NEWS. February 02, 2010. In 2009, Russian Agricultural Bank’s loan portfolio showed resilient growth in compliance with management plans. It grew by 31% and reached RUR 612 billion at YE2009. RusAg was focused on providing agribusiness producers and rural population with available credit and financial resources, reported the press-centre of Russian Agricultural Bank.
Amid financial turmoil Russian Agricultural Bank continued solid performance in all aspects. In 2009, the Bank’s capital increased by RUR 46 billion to RUR 158 billion. The amount of clients deposits grew by 50% and reached RUR 226 billion. RusAg has opened 100 new offices and its regional branch network today includes 78 regional branches and over 1,500 additional offices.
The growth rates of the Bank’s loan portfolio, assets, capital and funding base are above the average level in the banking system of Russia. Today, Russian Agricultural Bank maintains strong position among five largest banks of the Russian Federation.
In 2010, RusAg’s loan portfolio is expected to grow by RUR 450 billion or 34% to RUR 820 billion. The Bank will perform all necessary efforts to maintain its superior results along all of its business lines.