MEGABANK Summarizes 2009 Results
OREANDA-NEWS. February 01, 2010. Net wealth of MEGABANK,PJSC in 2009 rose by UAH 231 million, or by 8%. As of January 1, 2010 their value was UAH 3 172 million, reported the press-centre of MEGABANK.
The growth of assets was impacted by the increase of high liquid assets (balance on correspondent accounts and cash desk) for the amount of UAH 234 million, caused by attraction in IV quarter the loans of international financial organizations. For 2009 the volume of loans alongside with subordinated debt, received by the bank from international financial organizations, rose by UAH 254 million and was UAH 562 million.
During the year USD 9,5 million were received from EBRD for lending to small and medium businesses, USD 4,5 million from the World Bank for support of Ukrainian exporters, and also USD 10 million from European Fund for South-Eastern Europe (EFSE) and USD 6,5 million in the form of subordinated loans from KfW for increase of capitalization of MEGABANK,PJSC. About this informed the deputy chairman of the bank's Management Board Vyacheslav Ryutin.
According to his words in 2009 the capital of the bank grew by UAH 346 million and as of 1.01.2010 was UAH 714 million. The capital grew thanks to two additional issues of shares for the total amount of UAH 300 million, as a result bank's shareholders have become European banks EBRD and KfW, as well as due to inclusion into the 2nd Tier capital attracted subordinated loan from EFSE in the amount of USD 10 million. MEGABANK,PJSC finished 2009 with positive financial result. The profit was UAH 1,6 million, during the year the reserves for credit for the amount of UAH 27 million was formed, their volume grew up to UAH 96 million.