Two New “A La Minute” Restaurants Opened in Odesa Region
OREANDA-NEWS. January 29, 2010. On the 23rd of January two new restaurants of prompt service A la minute started to operate synchronically in Odesa region. Restaurants, each meant for 60 seats, operate at two mirrorlike filling complexes nearby Nerubayske
Both restaurants offer traditional A la minute menu and high-quality service.
It is worth noticing, that network marked a milestone in its development opening two new restaurants, as 20 restaurants are operating now in A la minute network at OKKO filling complexes. One more restaurant functions in the office center in L'viv on 72 Heroyiv UPA str.
"In less than three years we brought into operation the network consisting of 21 restaurants, – Andriy Yanchuk, director of Terrin LLC, an affiliate of Concern Galnaftogaz PJSC, emphasized. – This is rather rapid rate of development and this is rather large network already. Today we aim main efforts at standards – menu standards, operational standards. In 2009 we developed operational standards and control procedure over these standards' compliance. Our Hot line began to function to collect back information from the clients. Twice a year we correct a menu card according to seasonality (summer dishes, coolers in summer) and requirements of the market. Twice a year we teach master classes for restaurant chief cooks. This year we plan to join loyalty program FISHKA with A la minute restaurants".