OREANDA-NEWS. January 25, 2010. Mr. Vasily Gorbunov, Deputy Head of the Department for Control over Public Procurements of the FAS Russia, had a meeting with Mr. Paul Korkut, representative of the UK Ministry of Trade and Investment, as well as the representatives of the British Embassy in the Russian Federation on the issues of public procurement placement in Russia, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

During the meeting, Mr. Gorbunov informed on the measures taken by FAS Russia in order to ensure transparency and openness of public procurement placement procedures in Russia. In particular, he informed about the establishment of a single All-Russian portal for public procurement placement in 2011 that will ensure proper control over the information placed on the portal by the controlling authorities, as well as on the introduction of electronic auctions as a perspective form of public procurement placement, which allow to solve the problem of corruption fast and efficiently.

UK investors and companies are interested in favorable unticorruptional environment in Russia when placing investments and developing business, and the open procedure of public procurement placement, inter alia, contributes to it. Furthermore, since any foreign company is entitled to participate in the public procurements placement in Russia, companies want to be sure that this procedure is transparent. The UK representatives were largely persuaded in this fact during this meeting.