Russia Will Show Best Aircraft Models at BIAS 2010
OREANDA-NEWS. January 22, 2010. Rosoboronexport will be taking active part in the first Bahrain International Airshow, BIAS 2010. This exhibition of military, civilian and business aircraft will take place from 21 to 23 January at the Sahir Airbase in
At BIAS 2010, Rosoboronexport will present over 30 state-of-the-art aircraft models. In the Russian chalet the visitors will be able to get information on the Su-35 and Su-30MK2 multi-role fighters, Yak-130 training aircraft. The latest MiG-35 front-line fighter, too, is likely to arouse particular interest. The Bahraini Air Force pilots have already got acquainted with the aircraft, when it landed twice in the Kingdom for refueling on its way to an air show in
As to helicopters, Rosoboronexport’s exposition at BIAS 2010 will include Ka-52A attack helicopter, Mi-35M transport/combat helicopter, Mi-171SH military transport helicopter and Mi-26 heavy transport helicopter. Demand for Russian helicopters on the world market remains steady. They have proved themselves in hot climatic conditions and have shown high performance and reliability. In addition,
"The air show in
Rosoboronexport’s participation in the first national air show BIAS-2010 will be an important step towards closer military-technical cooperation with the Middle East countries, including