Uralmash Shipped Cement Equipment for Sukholozhskcement
OREANDA-NEWS. January 21, 2010. Machine-building corporation Uralmash incorporating into OMZ Group delivered a mill frame 4 x 13,5 assy. with covers, pipescrew and membrane to OAO Sukholozhskcement (Sverdlovsk Oblast). The total weight of the supply is 160 tons and the equipment was delivered in accordance with the contract terms.
It is the first time that MK Uralmash manufactured the mill frame of this standard size. With fulfillment of this contract, the corporation is capable of manufacturing a complete range of mills for cement industry. A similar mill is being manufactured for OAO Schurovsky Cement at present.
This is the first large contract with Sukholozhskcement in recent years. Many years ago, in the middle of the 50-ies Uralmashplant manufactured one of the largest rotary hearth furnaces for this enterprise that still operates successfully.
OAO Sukholozhskcement is an enterprise of an international group of companies BUZZI UNICEM. The enterprise manufactures construction and oil-well cement; its quality is confirmed by certificates, license issued by American Petroleum Institute and by international Quality Management System audit reports for compliance with GOST R ISO 9001-2001.