UniCredit again Became Number 1 Custody Services Provider in Ukraine
OREANDA-NEWS. January 8, 2010. According to Global Investor Sub Custody Survey, UniCredit for the second time become the best custody (depositary) bank in
“UniCredit – the winner of the poll… this year receives praise in feedback on a number of fronts. One survey respondent highlighted what it thought were institution’s primary strengths: “flexibility, client orientation, reliability, prompt feedback”, - marked in report.
• UniCredit Group won the award of the Banker magazine for the “Best Bank in
• Trade Finance Magazine awarded UniCredit Bank with the “Deal of Year award” (Pre-Export Finance Facility in favor of one of our key client);
• UniCredit Bank twice became the best Custodian Bank in
• GlobalFinance awarded UniCredit Bank as the “Best Finance Provider
• According to GFK survey, our corporate team is in top2 of the banks of UniCredit Group in terms of quality of services, and also the best in Ukraine; and according to survey of “Expert” our retail team is in top4 of large retail banks in terms of service quality;
• We sponsor UEFA Championship League to increase our visibility on the local market;
This is what Bank achieved in difficult 2009, and being proud of managing this bank, I would like to thank all our employees who devoted their time and efforts to the sustainable development of UniCredit Bank, and our 130 thousands corporate, custody, Private banking, SME and retail clients who are loyal to the bank and stay with us already for more than 12 years.