OREANDA-NEWS. December 29, 2009. The MC of the Bank of Moscow, in cooperation with the Bank of Moscow, starts providing a new service — SMS information of clients of mutual investment funds. Now, by joining this service, a client can instantly receive information on operations with shares of mutual investment funds managed by the MC of the Bank of Moscow in the form of SMS. Besides, the new service enables to send to a service number inquiries on the cost of shares and the cost of net assets of mutual investment funds, as well as on the number of shares belonging to the client.

The service can be joined to in sales offices of the Bank of Moscow. The cost of the service is 49 rubles per month.

"Today one can specify the cost of shares in mutual investment funds through the customer service or on the internet page of managing company, while it is necessary to visit an agent’s office in order to obtain information on operations, — said Elena Kasjanova, General Director of the MC of the Bank of Moscow. — The new service will help expeditiously monitor performance of requests and dynamics of the cost of shares of the MC of the Bank of Moscow mutual investment funds."