OREANDA-NEWS. December 29, 2009. The General Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies" Sergey Chemezov and the President of the Bank of Moscow Andrey Borodin signed the Cooperation Agreement defining the general principles of interaction of the two companies.

The Agreement contemplates initiation of a dialogue, development of long-term mutually beneficial cooperation and realization of projects in financial and credit sphere, including arrangement by the Bank of funding of transactions aimed at purchase of assets for the Corporation, investment programs and current activity of "Russian Technologies", as well providing of services on consumer and real estate loans for employees of the entities of the Corporation.

Besides, in the frame of the Agreement the Bank of Moscow will act as an agent bank in the course of organization of syndicated loans, take part in arrangement of bonded loans of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies", as well as provide funding to counterparts of the Corporation under its guarantee. The Agreement also contemplates that the Bank will organize allocation of temporarily surplus money assets of "Russian Technologies" using various financial instruments, as well as trust management services.

Speaking at the ceremony of the Agreement signing the General Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies" Sergey Chemezov declared: "Today "Russian Technologies" face very serious tasks connected with further integration of entities, their modernization, financial recovery and creation of core highly technological holdings. The partnership with the Bank of Moscow will provide substantial assistance in development, support and organization of financing of programs of the Corporation long-term strategic development at the highest professional level."

"We are also planning to cooperate with the Bank of Moscow in the process of organization of the unified Settlement Center, which we launched in pilot regime in December this year on the base of integrated structure managed by OAO "Concern "Sirius" for the purpose of budget control over entities included into the Corporation," — added the General Director Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies".

"The Agreement will assist in establishment and development of partnership relationships with the Corporation uniting the largest industrial enterprises of the defense industrial complex of the country, — commented the President of the Bank of Moscow Andrey Borodin. — We are interested in development of cooperation on the widest range of issues."

The Bank of Moscow has been cooperating with entities comprising the Corporation since 1999. For this period the Bank has granted over 64 billion rubles as credit resources to entities of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies", including Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosoboronexport", OAO "Kazansky Helicopter Plant", State Unitary Enterprise "Instrument Design Bureau", Federal State Unitary Enterprise Production Association "Ural Optical Mechanics Plant", and provided guarantees for the total amount of over 15 billion rubles. All in all, for the period of 1999—2009 the Bank of Moscow granted credits to enterprises of the defense industrial complex for the total amount exceeding 112 billion rubles.