IDGC of North-West Named “Best PR Specialist”
OREANDA-NEWS. December 28, 2009. Traditionally taking into account the results of the year, they named “Best PR Specialist” of IDGC of North-West, “Best Press Service” and for the first time in 2009 “Best PR Project”
Heads of PR departments of IDGC of North-West summed up the results of work in 2009 during the traditional meeting which took place in St Petersburg.
The heads of PR departments of the united electric grid company assessed the results of their activity taking into consideration the independent experts assessments which are fixed in the content analysis of information and analytical agency Integrum. Taking into account the results of participation of IDGC of North-West in the professional contests including the international ones as well as guided by the regulations of swot-analysis of PR activity which was made up for the first time according to the order of IDGC of North-West, they summed up the results of the year.
Only during the past 9 months, 262 printed sources together with Internet mass media ons published 4,725 materials about the activity of IDGC of North-West. The regional mass media actively represented “Pskovenergo” – 1,540 publications, “Kolenergo” – 1,523 and “Vologdaenergo” – 1,406 materials for the reporting period.
Despite the problems which they objectively possess the work of the grid companies, in the general massive of information, the major part consists mainly of neutral and positive materials. Less than 3% of all the publications are of negative character.
According to Marina Kozhevnikova, Government, Social Organizations and Mass Media Relations Department Head, the keeping of such a pace, proves the objectivity of Mass Media which highlights the activity of the company. And this is one of the top priority goals of the press service of IDGC of North-West for the year of 2009.
“Such a result was achieved, first of all, due to the operative and reliable information disclosure, active attraction of the speakers among the representatives of top management of the executive administration and the heads of the branches which are ready to give the comments on the important directions of the company’s activity openly speaking about their position revealing the state of business. The informational transparency is provided by the corporate site of IDGC of North-West which is always among the TOP-5 most visited corporate recourses of the power companies of the country. Informational transparency provides the constructive relations with the mass media,” emphasized M. Kozhevnikova.
Regional and federal Mass Media actively translate the position of Alexander Kukhmay, General Director, concerning the different aspects of the activity of the distribution grid complex of the region. In general amount of information the direct speech of IDGC of North-West Head is mentioned in more than in 10% of the general amount of publications.
As well, the list of the most quoted top-managers includes Georgiy Turlov, Chief Engineer, and Deputy Heads of IDGC of North-West Head - Technological Connection and Services Realization - Alexander Mikhalkov, Economy and Finances – Olga Makarova, Corporate Governance - Anatoliy Kushnerov, and Capital Construction – Vladimir Bloshitsyn. Among the directors of the branches the most amount of attention was given to Sergey Gubich, Head of “Kolenergo”; Alexander Klimanov, Director of “Vologdaenergo” and Ivan Medvedev who is going to be the Head of “Komienergo” branch.
Traditionally taking into account the results of the year they named “Best PR Specialist” of IDGC of North-West, “Best Press Service” and for the first time in 2009 “Best PR Project”. “Best PR-Specialist of the year” is Natalia Lebedeva. “Best Press Service” is the Public Relations Department of “Pskovenergo”. And the author of the best PR project of the year is Igor Svintsov.