Ingosstrakh Paid out 5,3 Million Rubles for Lost Harvest
OREANDA-NEWS. December 25, 2009. Ingosstrakh paid out to Progress LLC located in Bezenchuksky district of the Samara Region an insurance indemnity of 5.3 million rubles. Further harvest, i.e. spring barley, spring oats, and sunflower in the total area of
A drought, which is an insured event, occurred in summer
The insured property under the loan obtained constituted a collateral of the Samara Regional branch of Russian Agricultural Bank (OJSC). According to Tatiana Rassabina, Director of Supplementary Office in Bezenchuck settlement of the Samara region, the timely insurance indemnity will enable the farm unit to fulfil its obligations with the bank, assuming that no more than 15% of agricultural producers of the region have been insured this year.
Progress LLC was founded in 2006. It is engaged in farming of sunflower, wheat, barley and oats. The total territory of the farm unit is 4.7 thousand ha.