Russia Resumed AN-124 Ruslan Serial Production
OREANDA-NEWS. December 25, 2009. On the 10th of December, President of the Russian Federation Mr. Medvedev gave an official instruction to the relevant agencies to include, as separate line item in the draft Armament Program 2020, the cost of building 20 upgraded military–transportation AN-124 model aircraft and lend assistance to the United Aircraft Corporation in the promotion of this type of aircraft at the domestic and external markets. The deadline for compliance with this instruction is June 1, 2010. The cost of financing this project is estimated at USD 500mn.
Millennium Capital: this news about preparations for a serial manufacture of AN-124 model aircraft has enhanced the positive impact of the previous news about preparations for serial manufacture of AN-70 model aircraft, which has been recently announced. The serial manufacture guarantees stability of MotorSich order book in the future. This Company is the only producer of engines for these airplanes. It should also be mentioned that in addition to the Russian Defense Ministry’s order, the total number of preliminary orders for this type of aircraft for civil purposes includes 62 AN-124 model aircraft to date.