IDGC of North-West to Decrease Operation Costs
OREANDA-NEWS. December 16, 2009. St Peterburg witnesses the anniversary 5th corporate presentation day (CPD)
Opening the fifth, anniversary corporate presentation day (CPD), Georgiy Turlov, Chief Engineer of IDGC of North-West noted that that the chief priority of the technical policy of the company is the decrease of the costs for the technological service of the equipment of the electric grid complex.
“That’s why all the innovative developments of the companies-producers of the equipment for the fuel and power complex will be assessed from the point of view of the economic safety of the operation of these materials and mechanisms”, pointed out Georgiy Turlov.
“In 2010, “Novgorodenergo” branch transits to RAB-regulation for three years except the planned five. Than the other branches will be transited to the new principle of tariff formation. Such a transition makes the top-priority goal the decrease of the operating costs so that the economic effect is retained in the company for the further investments to the development of the grids. Thus, the costs for the technological service of the equipment which is supplied and working in out branches shall be minimal,” emphasized Georgiy Turlov.
The experts – representatives of the higher technical school of St Petersburg took part in the fifth CPD for the first time . Their goal is to detect the advantages and disadvantages of the given developments during the scientific discussion. Further, according to the words of Georgiy Turlov, they will create the working group consisting of the technical specialists of IDGC of North-West, which will analyze the equipment and materials represented at CPD and will make up the experts conclusion concerning the possibility to implement this or that innovation to the work of the electric grid complex of IDGC of North-West. In future they plan to form the resumes in accordance with the results of each CPD.
The fifth anniversary CPD of IDGC of North-West is carried out at the new site in “Asamblea” conference hall of “Vselennaya Vody” (Water Universe) museum complex. According to Georgiy Turlov such a decision of the organization committee is not fortuitous. “Vodokanal”, our partner and the organization that is very close to us was able to make from the old water tower being on its balance a unique and modern museum which name is “Vselennaya Vody” (Water Universe). This is the wonderful example of the fact that we shall not forget about the old funds and resources which life seems to come to an end. The practice shows that one can create the wonderful innovations on the basis of the old ones, but still very precious things and equipment”.
We shall mention that the fifth Corporate presentation day of IDGC of North –West takes place in St. Petersburg on December 8 in the business centre of “Vselennaya Vody” (Water Universe) museum complex. Technical specialists of IDGC of North-West and branches of the unified operation company take part in CPD. 34 companies from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Kazakhstan will represent their developments during CPD-5 which topic is mechanisms and equipment for the repair works carrying out in the electric gird complex and the polymeric insulation. All the events of the CPD are broadcasted in on-line regime at RusCable portal.