Ust-Luga Port Receives Dock Cranes of «Liebherr» Company
OREANDA-NEWS. December 15, 2009. "Yug-2" multipurpose transshipping complex of Ust-Luga port is receiving three mobile dock cranes manufactured and delivered by "Liebherr" Company.
According to Maksim Shirokov, General Director of "Ust-Luga Company" OJSC, the purchase of new high-technology equipment is conditioned by preparation for commissioning of the second stage of "Yug-2’ MTC scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2010. "Our further plans provide for purchase of several more cranes of high output and capacity", noted Maksim Shirokov.
The use of high capacity mobile dock cranes will allow diversification of the terminal’s cargo flows. The new equipment will be able to handle any project, general, container and bulk cargoes and to operate in any mode, including the grab one.
Liebherr Company used the most state-of-the-art technologies in manufacture of thecranes; the supplied cranes meet all requirements of port equipment. Two cranes have the capacity of 104 tons each and the third one — 84 tons. If required, the cargoes of over 104 tons can be unloaded simultaneously by two cranes in the tandem operation mode.
As said by German Ignatov, Director of sales of the port equipment of "Liebherr-Rusland" LLC, the choice of such a class of cranes by Ust-Luga Company is not coincidental: a modern port needs modern technologies and modern equipment. In the opinion of German Ignatov, the prospects of the port development offer hope for long-term and fruitful cooperation.
These cranes are really universal equipment because it takes just a few minutes to replace one hoisting device with another one. Optimized interaction of high-power hydrostatic transmission and improved electronics guarantees effective transshipment of any cargo due to the high rate of acceleration and short operation cycles. Given their mobility, the cranes can be used practically in all zones of the port where their services are necessary.
The accounts with the supplier "Liebherr-Rusland" LLC are currently settled with own funds of "Ust-Luga Company" OJSC; however, debt financing is supposed to be used in the short term.