Stock-Breeders of Moldova Demand to Unblock Import of Meat
OREANDA-NEWS. The domestic producers of pork, poultry, eggs and processed products demand to suspend till February 1, 2010 the issuance of licenses for the import of meat.
The memorandum-agreement, sent by the meat producers to the authorities of the country, requires ensuring the development of the legal framework necessary for operation and further development of the livestock industry, slaughter enterprises and production of sausages.
The stock-breeders claim that Moldova has enough meat to ensure the domestic consumer demand. The stock-breeders also ascertain that the local market is saturated with the meat products, including cheap imported meat. In this regard, they require increasing customs duties on imports of meat up to 20% plus 400 euros per each ton imported, by making necessary amendments and modifications to the Law on the customs tariffs.
At the moment, 3,700 heads of cattle, more than 10 thousand of sheep, 30 thousand pigs and more than 1.7 million of poultry are ready to slaughter. Alongside with this, the stock of meat at refrigeration factories of the country makes up about 7 thousand tons, including two tons of the domestic poultry meat.
According to the department of livestock at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Moldova annually produces 135-140 thousand tons of meat, 3.4 thousand tons of which are exported and 115-125 thousand tons are sold at the domestic consumer market. At the same time, Moldova annually imports 20-35 thousand tons of meat. During the first 9 months of this year, the volume of pork production has increased by 150%, poultry - by 120%.