OREANDA-NEWS. December 11, 2009. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) will verify information appeared in some mass media that "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines" OJSC restricted supplies of aviation fuel, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved the Plan of Actions, which include, in particular, transition to payments for aviation fuel in direct supply contracts under the price formulae, aviation fuel trading through exchange and electronic sites, and completion of splitting off of aviation enterprises by separating airports and airlines.

"Aeroflot" follows the plan; in particular, the company organizes open, transparent tenders for purchasing aviation fuel, which facilitate development of competitive conditions on the aviation fuel market.

Also, as part of the Plan of Actions, on 22nd July 2009 the Government of the Russian Federation approved the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Procedures for Ensuring Access to the Services of Natural Monopolies in Airports".

It determined the general principles and procedures for consumer access to services in airports, slot allocation to air carriers, and the procedures for processing applications, including access to the services of aviation fuel supply to aircrafts.

FAS Russia emphasizes that it will not allow frustrating the Plan of Actions put forward by the Government of the Russian Federation. This is the purpose of FAS Russia inspecting refueling facilities in airports and suppliers of aviation kerosene.