VAB Bank Declared among Top3 for Retail Banking Service Quality
OREANDA-NEWS. December 11, 2009. VAB Bank was named one of the Ukraine’s three retail banks with the best quality of service by the results of a survey completed by the Ukrainian business magazine Expert who rated VAB Bank as number two, reported the press-centre of VAB Bank.
The survey covered 25 banks and was organised as a “ghost shopper” routine: randomly selected branches of each bank were visited by journalists acting as clients to later analyse quality of service received. Principal evaluation criteria included competence of front office personnel, promptness of service, convenience of branch location, comfort and functionality of sales point design, availability of queue management systems, as well as other extra services.
As the result most of VAB Bank’s branches were found to be conveniently located and have high quality information and advertising materials and their service staff demonstrated strong competence.
According to VAB Bank deputy chairman and head of retail and distribution Mr Tsvetan Petrinin, top level customer service is in the core of this financial institution’s performance. “Premier class service for our clients has always been out top priority. Our corporate policy is to continuously work towards improvement of service level by launching employee training programmes – VAB Academy, a training centre for VAB managers’ skill improvement, has been underway for two years – and regularly implementing varied special offers and customer loyalty programmes. As an example: the Bank’s ongoing Become A Millionaire campaign attracted UAH 182.8 within thee weeks, with over 6,320 deposit agreements signed. This evidences popularity among clients of not only the campaign itself but also of products it covers: Fixed Term and Cumulative deposits,” Mr Petrinin commented.