Petrozavodsk Welcomes X International Exhibition Power of Karelia 2009
OREANDA-NEWS. December 10, 2009. On December 9-11 Petrozavodsk hosts the Xth International exhibition Power of Karelia 2009 organized by the State Committee of the RK on Energy and Rate Management, the State Committee of the RK on Reforming of Housing and Communal Services, Petrozavodsk State University, KarelExpo exhibition association.
Organizers make it their mission to discuss approaches to help the branch to recover from the global economic crisis, to acquaint experts with innovations serving development of the branch and with new technologies.
In particular, attention of organizers will be focused on energy efficiency and energy saving which the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has called the first of five directions where the state needs a technological breakthrough.
Besides, the exhibition will present novelties in the field of gasification, systems of heat supply, independent systems of power supply, energy audit, electrical engineering and light engineering, small-scale power generation, etc.
Within the scope of the exhibition there will be held the II International conference Power Supply and Environmental Problems of Power Generation where a wide range of questions concerning problems of energy saving will be discussed and, in particular, analysis of ways of settlement of power deficiency in a number of regions and countries by means of independent small-scale power generation will be made.
Also within the scope of the exhibition there will be held a competition of The Best Technical Decisions in the Field of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving.
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