Ingosstrakh Paid RUB12.7mln to Farm Holding for Partial Loss of Crop
OREANDA-NEWS. November 27, 2009.
Future winter wheat crops ( "Don-93" wheat ) in Nikolayevsky district of Volgograd region, covering the total area of
Losses occurred due to soil draught, resulting in partial or complete harvest failure (spring and a part of winter wheat crops) on the
Several insurance examinations were performed to estimate the amount of losses that in the end confirmed that the insured event had taken place and Ingosstrakh paid the insurance compensation to the holding.
“My experience of managing an agricultural enterprise taught me that insurance as an absolute prerequisite”, said the head of the farm Masoud Khanbakhadov. “And my previous experience of working with Ingosstrakh determined my choice in favor of the company. The plans offered by the insurance company were completely efficient for me; a contract was signed in a very short period of time; and once the draught struck, the payments were made in full”.
Yelena Tatokhina, Director of the